Data Management

May 15, 2024

How data-driven strategies can strengthen risk management in corporate banking

For decades, risk management relied heavily on historical data and reactive measures. Loan approvals were based on heuristic records, fraud detection focused…

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May 3, 2024

6 data engineering fundamentals to accelerate generative AI deployment in banking

Generative AI-based models are quickly becoming essential solutions for enhancing operational efficiency, improving customer experiences, and mitigating risks in the banking and…

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November 23, 2023

Best practices for faster development of data pipelines on Databricks using dbx

The efficient development of data pipelines is critical for businesses to extract actionable insights from their data. Inefficient data pipelines can result…

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November 22, 2023

Scalable data architecture to create seamless digital banking experiences

The need for seamless banking experiences and personalized services is driving banks to leverage data and analytics for effective decision-making. According to…

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data analytics KPIs
November 23, 2022

Defining the right data analytics KPIs to drive business success

Business leaders often find it challenging to determine the right success metrics to assess the impact of Data and Analytics(D&A) programs. A…

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5 Best Practices for Deploying Machine Learning Models
July 21, 2022

Real-time marketing measurement with multi-touch attribution for CPG

Digital marketers are looking for near-real-time intelligence on each customer touchpoint to optimize campaigns and create personalized customer experiences. Multi-touch attribution (MTA)…

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Setup of Snowflake backup confirmation and alert notifications
June 15, 2022

How to setup Snowflake backup confirmation and alert notifications

Data backups are key to ensuring business continuity. However, it is important to track if the backups are successful with a notification…

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Enhance cloud data security
May 20, 2022

How to enhance cloud data security for financial institutions

Over the past few years, banking and capital market firms have increasingly realized that the cloud is more than just a solution…

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Model training and validation
March 30, 2022

Top 5 model training and validation challenges that can be addressed with MLOps

Digitalization turned from being an advantage into a necessity for organizations across the industries in the last couple of years. As the…

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